Steam Workshop
The Steam Workshop is a hub where players can find, download, and share user-generated content, like Maps and mods like custom Weapon sounds, textures, and models.
All content most be mounted via the main menu or by console commands (and usually restart the game) before they can work.
Maps and addons can be grouped together in Workshop Collections for easy mounting and unmounting.
Here is a link to the MCV Steam Workshop
How to Upload an Addon
To upload an addon you need to navigate to \"vietnam\" folder of your MCV installation. You can right click on MCV in Steam library, click Properties, then Local Files then Browse. Now open \"vietnam\" folder and create new folder \"custom\". Inside folder \"custom\" create a folder with your addon name (ex. \"my_addon\"). Now create respective directories for all content you would like to upload: \"maps\" for maps, \"models\" for models, etc. After that, go to Workshop Menu ingame, select Upload Addon, click Browse and select your addon folder, then fill remaining data. Make sure to read and sign Steam Workshop Contribution agreement and click Publish Item. You are done.
How to Upload a Map
To upload map addon you need to navigate to \"vietnam\" folder of your MCV installation. You can right click on MCV in Steam library, click Properties, then Local Files then Browse. Now open \"vietnam\" folder and create new folder \"custom\". Inside folder \"custom\" create a folder with your addon name (ex. \"my_map\"). Now create directory \"maps\" and put your map in there. If you have additional content (textures, models, sounds, ect.) you have to create respective folders for them too (\"models\" for models, \"sound\" for sounds, and so on). Good practice is to pack all custom content required by map inside map file, you can use Pack BSP feature to automatically pack \"materials\", \"models\", \"sound\", and \"resource\" folders in your .bsp file, but you don't have to. You can also add preview images of your map for server browser and loading screen. Create folder(s) \"materials/panorama/images/map_icons\" inside your addon's folder. To create server browser preview create folder \"playmenu\" and put in there your desired image in .png format with 384x216 resolution. To create loading screen preview go back to \"map_icons\" folder and create folder \"screenshots\" then inside it create folder \"1080p\" and put in there your desired image in .png format in 1080p resolution. After that, go to Workshop Menu ingame, select Upload Map, click Browse and select your map file, then fill remaining data. If you have a preview image you can name it the same as your map, save as .jpg and place inside your addon folder and the game will automatically detect it. Note that supported gamemodes are auto-detected according to entities present in map. You can toggle switches if you feel like something is wrong. Make sure to read and sign Steam Workshop Contribution agreement and click Publish Item. You are done.